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Changing the Language on the Instrument Cluster


The BC contains test data values that can be accessed for troubleshooting purposes. The following is a list of the test functions and numbers that are stored in the BC:
1. Display test - test all of the LCD segments in the display matrix
2. Momentary consumption (L/100Km) - based on the current "ti"signal and road speed
3. Momentary consumption (L/h) - based on current "ti"signal only
4. Range consumption -
5. Momentary range (Km) - range left on fuel in tank when reserve light is on
6. Not used
7. Fuel level from the instrument cluster - average value
8. Momentary speed (Km) - current speed averaged over 2 seconds
9. Operating voltage - available to BC from KL R
10. Language for display -
11. Units readout - for display of mileage/gallons - etc.
12. Average speed for arrival time function
13. Momentary arrival computed
14. ROM - date
15. Readout of fault memory - vendor use only
16. I/O port status - vendor use only
17. Encoding of vehicle specific data - vendor use only
18. Alarm mode - for BC code function - pulse or continuous tone
19. Lock/Unlock function
20. Fuel consumption correction factor
21. Software reset function

The test functions are accessed by pressing the "1000,' and "10" buttons simultaneously. Test functions #1, #10, #14, #19 and #21 are unlocked and can be called up by entering the number and pressing SET/RES.

The other test functions are locked out and test #19 must be used to release the test functions for display. The unlock procedure is as follows:
- Call up test #19 - " LOCK ON" is displayed in the matrix display.
- Use the number input buttons to enter the sum of the day and month displayed on the clock.
- Press SET/RES and the computer is now unlocked for display of all test functions

To relock the test functions when through with the testing, call up test #19 and press SET/RES twice.