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Variant Encoding Procedure

Variant Encoding Procedure

If a DME M1.X control module replacement is required, determine which method of variant encoding you can use,
- Adopting variant code from existing control module
- Manual input of variant code from control module label

Adopting the code is the preferred method since it prevents any error when manually entering the code. If the control module cannot communicate on the diagnostic link the manual input method will be necessary.

Procedure for Adopting Existing Variant Code
Turn off all loads and always have a BMW battery charger connected during the coding process to maintain proper voltage (12.5V).

1. Connect the DIS/MoDiC to the vehicle's 20 pin [1][2]diagnostic connector and turn the ignition switch ON. Select Coding and Programming from the DIS/MoDiC start screen or drop down menu.

2. Select "4 Programming" and press the right continue arrow.

3. From the Coding/Programming selection menu, highlight "2 DME variant Code" and press the continue arrow.

4. Select "1 Exchange Control Module" and press the continue button.

5. Select the installed engine group of the vehicle. e.g. M20, M30 etc.

6. Select "1 New Coding" and continue.

7. Select "1 Adopt code from old control module".

8. Press the "Yes" button to read out code from existing control module.

9. The installed variant code will be transferred to the DIS/MoDiC for display and storage.
Do not disconnect the MoDiC from the vehicle [1][2]diagnostic connector. The stored variant code will be deleted.
10. Turn off the ignition switch and remove the old control module. After double checking the part number of the replacement control module, connect it to the vehicle harness. Turn the ignition switch back on and press the continue arrow.

11. The DIS/MoDiC will display the code for transfer and indicate how many more times the control module can be encoded. Press the "Yes" button to transfer the code.

12. The last screen will indicate that the coding procedure is complete.

NOTE: If the code FF01 is displayed the control module was not properly coded and coding procedure must be repeated (FF01 is a basic control module resident code).

13. Complete a new DME variant code label and place it on the control module.

For vehicles equipped with DME MI.7.2 control modules after 1/95 production, the ISN of a replacement control module must be aligned with the EWS II control module.

This procedure copies the ISN from the new DME control module and installs it into the EWS II control module. If this procedure is not carried out the engine will crank, but will not start.

Manually Entering the Variant Code
This method is required if the control module is defective and can not communicate with the DIS/MoDiC over the diagnostic link. The variant code is determined reading the label on the defective control module and double checking it with the published variant codes in SI Bulletin 13 02 90 or in the table "DME Variant Codes".

Follow steps 1 through 6 and continue below.

7. Select "2 Enter Code Manually" and press the enter button.

8. Turn the ignition off and remove the old control module. Install the new control module and turn the ignition back on.
9. Determine the variant code.

10. Carefully enter the code using the on-screen keypad.
When the code is correctly displayed on screen, press the "Yes" button to confirm the entry.

11. The DIS/MoDiC will display the remaining number of times the control module can be encoded. Press the "Yes" button to transfer the code.

12. Coding is complete. The DIS/MoDiC displays the installed variant code. If the code is displayed as FF01 (basic control module code) the coding procedure must be repeated.
13. Complete a new DME variant code label and place it on the control module.

The coding procedure is complete!


The recoding function only applies to vehicles requiring a catalytic converter retrofit. All U.S. vehicles are already equipped with catalytic converters.