Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Normal Scope Patterns

Normal Display (Superimposed)
Evaluation of combustion characteristics curve and decay characteristics at idle speed (this example shows a 4-cylinder engine).

1 = Start of ignition voltage peak
2 = Level of ignition voltage
3 = Level of combustion voltage
4 = Period of combustion
5 = Combustion curve characteristics
6 = Start of decay process
7 = Termination oscillations

Normal Display (Parade)
Evaluation of ignition voltage peaks at idle speed (this example shows an engine with 4 cylinders).

NOTE: The display of ignition voltage peaks is about 20 to 25% lower than the actual value. The uniformity of all cylinders to each other is more important than the height of ignition voltage peaks. Difference of 3000...4000 V are permitted.

Normal Display at 2000 Rpm (Parade)
Evaluation of ignition voltage peaks at increased speed of approx. 2000 rpm (this example shows an engine with 4 cylinders).

Normal Display (Raster)
This presentation can only identify large differences in the ignition voltage patterns. The allocation of faults identified on a given cylinder must be shown in the form of secondary voltage patterns, either parade or superimposed.