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Catalytic Converter Protection

The catalytic converter protection feature is a function of the DME Control Module. The Control Module can cancel injector triggering, to prevent unburned fuel from entering the exhaust system, when there is a problem with the ignition system.


The Control Module is programmed to selectively cancel the injector final stage output(s) based on processing and signals received from the ignition monitoring circuit. Depending on the version, various different monitoring and cancelling possibilities are used.

- M42 - M1.7: The Control Module monitors the ignition primary final stages and can shut down the injector output stages in two groups (semi-sequential triggering).
- M3.1: The Control Module monitors the ignition primary final stages and can selectively shut down one or more injector final stages(full-sequential triggering).
- M3.3/M3.3.1: The Control Module monitors the ignition primary final stages and the secondary firing of the coils. Selective injector final stage shut down can occur (full sequential triggering).
- M5.x/MS 41.x: The control module monitors the ignition primary final stages (all) and the secondary firing of the coils (all except M5.2 M44 & M62). These systems also monitor for cylinder misfire under OBD II compliancy. Cylinder misfire detection will also shut individual injectors off as needed to prevent catalytic converter damage.