Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Installation & Adjustment

Fig. 2 Typical rotating torque measurement:

1. Press bearing races into side bearing caps, if removed.
2. Install differential assembly in housing.
3. Install side bearing caps, along with new seals and shim assemblies in positions noted during disassembly, ensure that side bearings are properly aligned in races, then torque bearing cap bolts to 16-18 ft.lbs.
4. Measure total assembly rotating torque, turning pinion using suitable torque wrench, Fig. 2.
5. If rotating torque is not 4-6 inch lbs. greater than pinion bearing preload, increase or decrease side bearing cap shim thickness, as needed, to obtain specified value.

Fig. 1 Ring gear & pinion backlash measurement:

6. After proper side bearing preload has been established, mount suitable dial indicator on case with plunger bearing against ring gear tooth at right angle to tooth, Fig. 1.
7. Secure pinion, rock ring gear back and forth and read backlash dial indicator.
8. If backlash is not within specifications, adjust as follows:
a. If backlash is greater than specified, decrease thickness of bearing cap shims on ring gear tooth side and increase thickness of shims on opposite side by an equal amount. Do not alter total shim pack thickness when adjusting backlash as side bearing preload will be affected. If shim thickness is decreased on one side, increase thickness of shims on opposite side.
b. If backlash is less than specified, increase thickness of side bearing cap shims on ring gear tooth side and decrease thickness of shims on opposite side by an equal amount.
9. Perform tooth contact pattern check as outlined and correct assembly adjustments to obtain proper tooth contact.
10. After proper ring gear and pinion tooth contact has been established, ensure that drive flange retaining clips are properly installed in case grooves, then install new drive flange seals.
11. Lubricate drive flange seal lips, then install drive flanges.
12. Install rear cover using new gasket or seal, and the electronic speed sensor, if equipped.