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The IHKA system is a fully automatic climate control system. The acronym IHKA is derived from the German words Integrierte Heizungs- und Klima-Anlage, which translates to "integrated heating and air conditioning system."

Cabin heating and air conditioning (climate control) components and functions, separate on some earlier BMW Systems, are integrated and work together to provide passenger comfort, regardless of ambient conditions. On IHKA systems, cabin air discharge temperature is regulated by controlling the flow of hot engine coolant through the climate control system heater cores.

IHKA is classified as a fully automatic system because air discharge location, air discharge temperature and blower speed can be controlled automatically by the system control module.

IHKA systems also feature some "set and forget" automatic functions which serve to maintain cabin comfort without any input from the vehicle occupants.

IHKA first appeared in the U.S. on 1988 E32 (7-series) vehicles. E31 (8-series) vehicles, introduced three years later, use an IHKA system very similar to the E32 system.

An updated version of IHKA is installed on E38 (7-series) vehicles, beginning with the 1995 model year The E36 (3-series), introduced in 1996, has an IHKA system similar to the E38 system.

This course covers the following IHKA systems:
- IHKA E32,1988 - 1994
- IHKA E31, 1991 - present
- IHKA E38, 1995 - present
- IHKA E36, 1996 - present