Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Test Schedule

Test Schedule

The test schedule is generated specifically for the problem at hand based on all current fault symptoms including those stored in fault memories of other control modules.

Diagnosis tests are prioritized in an order established by the MoDiC/DIS.

The test schedule screen displays one or several symptoms, diagnosis tests and corresponding test modules.

The number and sequence of test schedule items is calculated on the basis of:
- seriousness of the symptom
- number of times the symptom has been observed

Test results are continually analyzed, and the inspection plan is revised accordingly.

Test results can be assigned one of the following status items (listed in on line help).

- = test not performed
- ! = test performed, result OK

If the result of a test module is OK, the test modules subordinate to that module are not included in the test schedule.

- X = not OK
If the result of a test module is not OK, the test modules subordinate to that module are included in the test schedule.
- ? = result not known test interrupted?
- => = test is being carried (currently active)

The results of tests already completed influence the order of preference set up for remaining test modules.

Use the continue arrow to proceed to the next test.

DIS/MoDiC highlights the test which should be carried out next (dark background).

The results of tests already completed are indicated to the left of the test designations.

- The test schedule is revised each time the "test schedule" screen is re-entered following the completion of a module. If a fault has been rectified or its symptoms have changed, this is indicated in the "Inspection plan" display (sequence of test modules).
- Fault memory contents are assessed according to various criteria (e.g. frequency, temperature).