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ADS II Control Module Inputs

ADS II Separate Control Module Inputs - DK 1 - DK 2 - DKR
The first version ADS traction control system used a unique control module for throttle valve regulation. The ADS II control module works in conjunction with the ASC and Engine Control Modules to carry out the throttle regulation request. The following input signals are unique to this ADS II system:

DK 1 - ADS II Throttle Valve Position Input
The throttle position potentiometer mounted on the ADS II throttle body provides the ADS II control module with a feedback signal of the throttle butterfly's position. The potentiometer receives power (5 volts) and ground from the ADS II control module. The DK 1 input is confirmation that the requested regulation for throttle control has taken place.

DK 2 - Throttle Valve Position Input
The ADS II control module receives the current engine's throttle position from the Engine Control module over the DK 2 interface. The DK 2 signal is a modulated signal generated by the Engine Control Module (ECM) and represents the throttle position.

DKR - Throttle Regulation Request Input:
The ASC control module uses the DKR interface to request ADS throttle valve regulation. The DKR is a pulse width modulated signal with a fixed frequency of 100 Hz. When active, the ADS II control module will close the ADS II throttle valve to reduce the engine's output torque.