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Headlamp: Service and Repair

Removing And Installing/Replacing Entire Left Headlight (Z3 Roadster, Z3 Coupe)

Remove suction-filter housing and air-mass sensor.
Disconnect all plug connectors.

Twist lamp socket and pry out.

Brace expanding rivets when unfastening the screws. The headlight is adapted to suit the body using the expanding rivets.

When installing a headlight, first screw in lower screws as far as last thread, at the same time bracing the expanding rivets.

Check gap (C and D) between bumper and headlight. If necessary, twist the lower expanding rivets to adjust gap (D) to approx. 5 mm. Adjust gap (C) in lower range to approx. 5 mm by moving the headlight to one side. The gap (C) narrows towards the top to approx. 2.5 mm. Then tighten screws while counter holding expanding rivets.

To adjust the lower gap, remove headlight again. Twist expanding rivets (1) and reinstall headlight.

Close bonnet and check gap (B).
Adjust to approx. 0 mm if necessary by turning upper expanding rivets (1). Then tighten down the top screws (2) by bracing the expanding rivets (1).
Adjusting headlights.