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ZCS is an acronym for the German words, "Zentraler Codierschlussel", meaning Central Coding Key.

The ZCS is a unique 37 digit code (originally 48) that is used during the manufacturing and assembly process of the vehicle in the factory. The electronic encoding equipment in the factory duplicates the ZCS and encodes the installed control modules in the vehicle during assembly.

The ZCS remains resident in one specific vehicle control module after the vehicle leaves the factory. With the introduction of the E31 the ZCS was also used for the first time as an encoding key for replacement vehicle control modules.

The ZCS is called a "key" because it automatically "unlocks" or "activates" the specific functions of a new control module or recodes a used control module to be compatible with a specific vehicle.

ZCS encoding can be done with the MoDiC or the DIS Coding Function. Always reference IDC bulletins for the latest coding version and any possible software errors.

When installing a replacement ZCS encodable control module, the MoDiC or DIS seeks out the location of the ZCS and copies it. The MoDiC or DIS extracts the required information from the ZCS and downloads the coding data to the control module. This is an automatic procedure carried out by the MoDiC or DIS with the loaded ZCS Coding software.

There is no limit to the number of times ZCS encodable control modules can be coded.