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Trunk Lock Cylinder

Trunk Lid Switch Contacts

The trunk lid position (open/closed) and trunk lock key positions are input signals to the GM V The trunk lid closed/open signals come from the trunk lid switch contact located in the trunk lock actuator motor assembly

When closed, the trunk contact provides a ground signal to the GM signifying a "closed trunk". This contact also serves as the trunk light switch when the trunk lock is open.

The actuator motor only runs in one direction to release the latch mechanism. The latch mechanism can also be manually unlocked with the key.

Located on the trunk lock are two additional microswitches for key position status signalling to the General Module.

- Valet position switch: With the key lock in the valet position, this switch provides a ground signal to the GM.

The GM locks out the interior trunk release button preventing the trunk from being opened.

- DWA Cancel Switch: When the trunk is opened with the key, this switch provides a ground signal to the GM preventing the DWA from activating if armed.