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MoDiC Features

The control panel below the touch screen contains the On/Off switch, the suspend mode switch and various function LEDs.

The following chart shows the LED indications for the various operating situations

Both power LEDs - yellow - MoDiC is being supplied with power from external source
- MoDiC is docked on the charging station
- MoDiC is receiving power from vehicle's battery - cigarette lighter adapter
One power LED - green MoDiC is being powered from main battery
One or both power LEDs MoDiC is being powered from an external are flashing yellow source
Battery is being charged
One or both power LEDs - green Battery capacity is sufficient to operate the MoDiC
One or both battery LEDs - flash Battery needs to be exchanged or recharged
Main battery LED is off Main battery is disconnected or defective
Buffer battery LED is off Buffer battery has a fault
All LEDs are off MoDiC is switched off
Temperature LED flashes Ambient temperature is out of working range of MoDiC
Temperature LED is off Ambient temperature is within working range of MoDiC
Error LED flashes Temperature or battery fault is present
Error LED on steady MoDiC has a system fault
Error LED is off No system faults are present