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Variant Code Identification and Display

Variant Code Identification and Display

The variant code for a DME MI.X control module can be displayed in three places.
- Electronically displayed
- Control module Identification page of the DIS or MoDiC diagnosis software.
- Programming software display with MoDiC. In the "adopt code" function, installed variant code is displayed.
- DME control module variant code label.
- Service Information Bulletin 13 02 90.

The control module ID page of the DIS is the quickest method of viewing the installed variant code. Electronic display is also the most accurate (code determination by the label could be a incorrectly written or accidentally placed on the wrong control module.)

Cross reference the BMW and Bosch part numbers in the display with the installed variant code. The correct variant code installed in the wrong control module, or an incorrect variant code installed in the correct control module, will undoubtedly cause control module malfunction.