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Starter Enable

Starter-Motor Disablement

The EWS (Electronic Vehicle Immobilizer) only enables the starting motor when the SMG control module has released it.

The SMG control module detects the start request via the input terminal 50. When all the conditions have been met, the SMG control module issues a control signal for release to the EWS.

The following conditions must be met:
- Selector-lever position "N" must be engaged - SMG control module enables the start (clutch is opened).

To start the vehicle, the transmission must be in neutral.

When the vehicle is parked, the following situations are possible:
- Gear is engaged (1, 2 or R), selector lever is in position "0". If a vehicle has been parked in gear (1, 2 or R) and the selector lever is at position "0", the brake must be operated first and the selector lever set to position "N" in order to engage the gear.
- Gear is engaged (1, 2 or R), selector lever is in position "N". If a gear is engaged when the vehicle is parked and the selector lever is at "N", the shift lock must first be deactivated by pressing the brake. The selector lever can then be moved to position "0". The display in the instrument cluster then once again corresponds to the transmission position. Thereafter, a shift can be made back to the neutral position.

If "N" is engaged, there is no need to press the brake to start the vehicle. For the start, the SMG control module automatically opens the clutch.