Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Powertrain Management: Testing and Inspection

Test Module Evaluation
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Test module completed without part replacement
- Combustion misfires due to fuel lack
- Secondary faults: combustion misfire remedied by remedying another fault
- No cause was found and the only measure was to delete the fault code memory in accordance with the instruction in the test module
- No cause was found and as measure. Technical Support was contacted, in accordance with the instruction in the test module

Non-electrical causes at the engine
- Engine mechanically defective
- Exhaust system mechanically defective
- Fuel system mechanically defective
- Poor compression
- Extraneous air
- Variable intake system mechanically defective

Ignition Coil
- Ignition coil with visible damage
- Ignition coil with non-visible damage, cause could be determined by cross-swapping
- BREMI ignition coils were fitted

Spark plug
- Spark plug with visible damage
- Spark plug with non-visible damage, cause could be determined by cross-swapping or replacement

Fuel injector
- Fuel injector with visible damage
- Fuel injector with non-visible damage, cause could be determined by cross-swapping or replacing

Motor control
- DME replacement