Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

79. Cylinder Head Installation

^ Tools Required
- J 36660 Torque Angle Meter

1. Install the cylinder head gasket. Ensure the arrows point towards the front of the engine. The left cylinder head gasket has the letter L stamped next to the arrow.

Notice: Refer to Permanently Stretching Bolt Notice in Service Precautions.

2. Install the cylinder head.

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.

3. Install new cylinder head bolts.
Tighten the cylinder head bolts to 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.) in sequence.
^ Use J 36660 to rotate each cylinder head bolt 120 degrees in sequence.
^ Use J 36660 to rotate the four center cylinder head bolts an additional 30 degrees in sequence.