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General Information - VDOT A/C System

The purpose of the symptom diagnostic procedures is to diagnose the following components for any problems that may cause insufficient cooling:
^ The V5 compressor
^ The VDOT refrigerant system The V5 Compressor is a variable displacement compressor.

The V5 compressor responds to the air conditioning demands by changing the stroke rather that cycling the clutch. A control valve is located in the rear head of the A/C compressor. The control valve completes the following functions; senses the compressor low side pressure and causes the compressor mechanism to stroke. The V5 compressor always runs and the system does not cycle. These diagnostic procedures differ from those used for fixed displacement systems. Use the symptom diagnostic procedures in order to avoid unnecessary replacement of any A/C components.
The A/C system is operating properly if the discharge air temperature and compressor pressures are equal to those in the System Performance Test. A/C System Performance Test - HVAC System - Manual