Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

23. Second Clutch and Input Clutch Disassemble

^ Tools Required
- J 33381-A Final Drive Remover and Installer

1. Adjust the collar on tool J 33381-A to the 4T65-E CLUTCH & DRUM setting. Make sure that the threaded rod is fully loosened.

2. Install J 33381-A into the second clutch housing assembly (617).
3. Tighten the threaded rod of J 33381-A until the rod is finger tight.
4. Lift up J 33381-A with the second clutch (617) and the input clutch assemblies (632) attached. The sprag clutch assemblies will also be attached.
5. Place the complete assembly on the bench.
6. Loosen the threaded rod of J 33381-A.
7. Remove J 33381-A from the assembly.

8. Lift the second clutch housing assembly (617) off of the input clutch housing.
9. Remove the input clutch housing thrust bearing (629) from the input housing.
10. Remove the selective thrush washer (630) from the input clutch housing.