Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

33. Park System Components Disassemble

^ Do not cut through the manual shift shaft pin.
^ Protect the case with a piece of wood or rubber when prying with the side cutting pliers.

1. Use side cutting pliers in order to remove the manual shift shaft pin (801).

2. Disconnect the manual valve link (402) from the manual shift detent lever (802) or the IMS/detent lever assembly (811).

Important: The IMS/detent lever (811) should be removed as an assembly.

3. Remove the nut (803) from the manual shift detent lever (802).
4. Remove the manual shift detent lever (802) or the IMS/detent lever (811) and remove the park pawl actuator assembly (800).
5. Position the transmission so that the reverse band servo bore is facing upward.

6. Pull the manual shift shaft (807) out of the case.
7. Use a small screwdriver in order to pry the manual shift shaft seal (806) from the case.
8. Remove the park pawl actuator guide pin (808).
9. Remove the park pawl actuator guide assembly (809) from the case.
10. Remove the actuator guide seal (810) from the guide.