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Front Door Window Glass: Adjustments

Front Side Door Window Adjustment

Removal Procedure

Caution: Refer to Express Window Down Caution in Cautions and Notices.
1. Place the door glass in the full-up position.
2. Remove the trim panel. Refer to Front Side Door Trim Panel Replacement (Service and Repair) .
3. Remove the water deflector. Refer to Front Side Door Water Deflector Replacement Service and Repair
4. Using a marker draw a line on the glass across the header.
5. Connect the power window switch.
6. Lower the window approximately 50 mm (2 in).
7. Disconnect the power window switch.
8. Visually inspect the parallelism of the line to the header.
9. Adjust the inner panel, if required.

10. Loosen the cam adjusting fastener (1).
11. Adjust door window parallel to header.

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Cautions and Notices.

12. Adjust the door window parallel to the header.

Tighten the fastener to 9 N.m (80 lb in).

Installation Procedure

1. Install the water deflector. Refer to Front Side Door Water Deflector Replacement Service and Repair
2. Install the trim panel. Refer to Front Side Door Trim Panel Replacement (Service and Repair) .