Reapply Mode (Pressure Increase)
Reapply Mode (Pressure Increase):
The reapply sequence is initiated to obtain optimum braking at each wheel. The Isolation (ISO) Valve is momentarily pulsed open to allow master cylinder and pump pressure to reach the brakes. This controlled pressure rise continues until the wheel is at optimum brake output or until the brake pressure is brought up to the master cylinder output pressure.
If more pressure is required, more fluid is drawn from the master cylinder and applied to the brakes. The driver will feel pedal pulsations or pedal drop. This is normal and expected when in the antilock mode.
As fluid is reapplied to the wheels, they begin to slow down at the optimum rate. If they approach imminent lockup again, the module will isolate, dump and reapply. These control cycles (isolation, dump and reapply) occur in millisecond intervals, allowing several cycles to occur each second. It occurs much faster and in a more controlled fashion than pumping the brake pedal.