Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Internal Components

- Tools Required:
- J 22912-01 Gear Puller
- J 8433-4 Puller
- J 8092 Driver Handle
- J 29169 Bearing Remover/Installer
- J 33832 Bearing Remover/Installer
- J 2619-01 Slide Hammer
- J 29369-1 Output Shaft Bearing Remover

1. Speedometer tone wheel from the mainshaft using J 22912-01 and J 8433-4.
- Be careful not to install J 22912-01 under the tone wheel snap ring.
2. Tone wheel snap ring from the mainshaft.

3. Rear output bearing snap ring from the mainshaft using snap ring pliers.
4. Case screws from the case halves. Note these are self-tapping screws and aluminum shavings are common upon removal.
5. Rear case half from the front case half.
- Using a suitable tool, pry between the two pry bosses to separate the case halves.

6. Clutch coil wire connector from the clutch coil wire.
7. Clutch coil nuts from the clutch coil assembly.
8. Clutch coil from the rear case half.
9. Shift rail spring from the shift rail.

10. Clutch coil housing snap ring and the clutch coil housing from the mainshaft using snap ring pliers.
11. Synchronizer hub from the synchronizer assembly.

12. Synchronizer assembly from the mainshaft drive gear and mode shift fork from the shift rail.

13. One Piece Sprocket and shaft from the front output shaft.

14. Drive gear, driven gear, and drive chain as an assembly.
15. Front output shaft from the front output bearing.

16. Oil pump assembly and mainshaft from the input carrier and front case half.

17. Shift rail, range fork, and shift hub from the input carrier assembly.

18. Annulus gear snap ring from the front case.

19. Annulus gear from the front case.
20. Input shaft front oil seal from the front case.

21. Carrier assembly snap ring from the carrier assembly input shaft.

22. Input carrier assembly and power take off drive gear from the front case.

23. Retaining clip from the selector shaft.
24. Selector shaft from the front case.
25. Selector, detent spring, and detent roller from the front case.

26. Front input bearing snap ring from the front case.

27. Front input bearing from the front case using J 8092 and J 29169.
28. Rear output bearing from the rear case half using J 8092 and J 33832.

29. Front output shaft rear bearing from the rear case using J 2619-01 and J 29369-1.
30. Front output shaft seal from the front case.

31. Front output bearing snap ring from the front case.

32. Front output bearing from the front case using J 8092 and J 33832.
33. Rear output shaft seal from the rear bearing retainer.