Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

53. Cylinder Head Disassemble

Cylinder Head Disassemble

Tools Required
* EN-47823 Valve Spring Compressor Adapter
* J 5892-D Valve Spring Compressor

1. Remove the heater inlet pipe stud from the right cylinder head, if required.
2. Remove the coolant temperature sensor from the right cylinder head, if required.

3. Using caution so as not to damage the valve spring or valve spring dampener, compress the valve springs using the J 5892-D (1) and the EN-47823 (2).

Notice: Do not damage the valve guide. Remove any burrs that have formed at the key groove by chamfering the valve stem with an oil stone or a file.

Important: Ensure that the valve train components are marked, organized or sorted when disassembling the cylinder head. Install the valve train components in the original location from which the component were removed.

4. Remove the valve spring cap keys.
5. Remove the valve spring caps.
6. Remove the valve spring assembly.
7. Remove the valves.
8. Remove the valve stem oil seals and spring seats as an assembly.
9. Inspect all valve components for any damage or excess wear. Repair or replace as necessary.