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Thermo Element Adjustment

Thermo Element Adjustment

Tools Required

J 34094-A Thermal Element Height Gauge

1. Remove the thermo element plate pins (120).
2. Remove the thermo element (121) and the thermo element plate (122).

3. Use J 34094-A in order to set the height of the thermo element plate center pin (123).
4. Install the thermo element plate (122).
5. Use J 34094-A in order to set the height of the thermo element plate pin (120) that is farthest from the accumulators.
6. Use J 34094-A in order to set the height of the second thermo element plate pin (120).

7. Carefully install the thermo element (121) between the two thermo element plate pins (120).
8. The V in the thermo element (121) must contact the thermo element plate (123).