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Fuel Injector Balance Test-Fuel Pressure Test

Fuel Injector Balance Test-Fuel Pressure Test

1. Install a fuel pressure gage.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.

* The fuel pump relay may need to be commanded ON a few times in order to obtain the highest possible fuel pressure.

* DO NOT start the engine.

Command the fuel pump relay ON with a scan tool.
* Observe the fuel pressure gage with the fuel pump commanded ON. The fuel pressure should be 345-414 kPa (50-60 psi).

If the fuel pressure is not 345-414 kPa (50-60 psi), Refer to Fuel System Diagnosis. Component Tests and General Diagnostics

* Monitor the fuel pressure gage for one minute. The fuel pressure should not decrease more than 34 kPa (5 psi).

If the fuel pressure decreases more than 34 kPa (5 psi), Refer to Fuel System Diagnosis. Component Tests and General Diagnostics

* Perform the Fuel Injector Balance Test with Special Tool or the Fuel Injector Balance Test with Tech 2. Fuel Injector Balance Test With Tech 2 Fuel Injector Balance Test With Special Tool