Instrument Panel Passenger Side Louvers
Removing Passenger Louver:
NOTE: The inner, outer louver and inner, outer housing are serviceable.
1. Using medium flat blade tool, position it in between the right side of louver and the housing.
2. Twist the tool to release the pivot pin from the louver and pull outward till released from pin.
3. Place tool on the other side of louver and release the other pivot pin and pull housing free from the instrument panel. Use the same procedure for either inner or outer louver.
Passenger Side Louver And Housings:
The inner and outer louvers have different size pivot pins on the housing. The outer housing has a larger pin on the right side then the inner housing. The louver have a surface cut out on the right side of the housings to note the proper side.
1. The right pivot pin is slotted on both housings. So when aligning louver tab with the pin ensure that they are lined up.
2. Using care, apply pressure on outer edge of the louver and push into place.
3. Rotate louver to ensure proper engagement.