Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



WARNING: The normal operating temperature of the exhaust system is very high. Therefore, never attempt to service any part of the exhaust system until it is cooled. Special care should be taken when working near the catalytic converter. The temperature of the converter rises to a high level after a short period of engine operation time.

Check catalytic converter for a flow restriction. Exhaust System Restriction Check for procedure.

Visually inspect the catalytic converter element by using a borescope or equivalent. Remove oxygen sensor(s) and insert borescope. If borescope is not available, remove converter and inspect element using a flashlight. Inspect element for cracked or melted substrate.

NOTE: Before replacing a catalytic converter, determine the root cause of failure. Most catalytic converter failures are caused by air, fuel or ignition problems. (Refer to Appropriate Diagnostic Information) for test procedures.