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Transmission Verification Test


NOTE: After completion of the Transmission Verification Test, the Powertrain Verification Test must be performed. Refer to the Engine Category.

Connect the scan tool to the Data Link Connector (DLC).
Reconnect any disconnected components.
With the scan tool, erase all Transmission and Engine Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs).

NOTE: Erase DTC P0700 under engine to turn off the MIL light after completion of transmission repairs.

If the Powertrain Control Module or the Transmission has been repaired or replaced, it is necessary to perform a Quick Learn procedure with the scan tool.
If the Torque converter has been replaced, with the scan tool perform TCC BREAK-IN.
If the Powertrain Control Module (PCM), Front Control Module (FCM) or Totally Integrated Control Module (TIPM) has been replaced you must reset the Pinion Factor in the Front Control Module.
With the scan tool, display Transmission Temperature. Start and run the engine until the Transmission Temperature is HOT, above 43° C (110° F).
Check the transmission fluid and adjust if necessary.
Road test the vehicle. With the scan tool, monitor the engine rpm. Make 15 to 20 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 upshifts. Perform these shifts from a standing start to 72 Km/h (45 mph) with a constant throttle opening of 20 to 25 degrees.
With speeds below 40 Km/h (25 mph), make 5 to 8 wide open throttle kickdowns to 1st gear. Allow at least 5 seconds each in 2nd and 3rd gear between each kickdown.
For a specific DTC, drive the vehicle to the symptoms When Monitored/Set condition(s) to verify the DTC is repaired.
If equipped with AutoStick(R), upshift and downshift several times using the AutoStick(R) feature during the road test.

NOTE: Use the OBDII task manager to run a Good Trip in each gear, this will confirm the repair and ensure that the DTC has not re-matured.

Check for any DTCs during and after the road test.

NOTE: Most DTCs require two "bad trips" before they are stored and the MIL illuminates. The transmission may enter "limp-in" mode during the first bad trip. However, if the fault condition is not present in the next ignition cycle and a "good trip" has been completed, the one trip or "pending" DTC may be cleared. The pending DTC information will be stored in the Event Data even though the scan tool shows no DTCs present. If the customer reports a limp-in event and no DTCs are present, check the Event Data.

Did any DTCs set during the road test?


- Perform the appropriate diagnostic procedure(s).


- Repair is complete.