Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Installation - Convertible


1. Position each A-pillar molding (2) to the windshield opening frame.
2. Engage the snap retainers that secure each A-pillar molding to the windshield opening frame. Make sure the retainers are fully engaged to the frame.
3. Install the screw (1) that secure each A-pillar molding to the windshield opening frame. Tighten the screws to 2.2 Nm (20 in. lbs.).

CAUTION: Replacement of the header molding retaining clips is required anytime a header molding is reinstalled. Failure to replace the snap-type retaining clips can result in poor header molding retention.

NOTE: Two different design header moldings are used. Each of these header moldings require different style retaining clips. Header molding design is identified by the part number suffix. Header moldings with suffix "AF" or earlier use the original design retaining clip. Header moldings with suffix "AG" or later use the new design retaining clip. These clips are NOT interchangeable. Make sure to use the correct style retaining clips when reinstalling an original header molding.

4. Install the header molding Header Molding - Installation.