The clutch interlock switch prevents engine starter operation and inadvertent vehicle movement with the clutch pedal in the up position (not depressed), or under normal conditions with the clutch engaged and the transaxle in gear.
WARNING: When there is a loss of clutch system hydraulic fluid, or the clutch master cylinder pushrod is disconnected from the pedal lever, the engine may start with the clutch engaged, causing undesirable vehicle movement if the transaxle is in any gear.
The switch is open while the clutch pedal is at rest (up position). When the clutch pedal is fully depressed, the pedal lever (LHD), or the master cylinder push rod (RHD), closes the switch, completing the signal circuit from the PCM and closing the ground path, allowing engine starter operation. The interlock switch is not adjustable.
NOTE: 2.4L-equipped models do not use the clutch pedal upstop switch/feature. These vehicles only utilize the starter inhibit (interlock) feature.
1.6L and 2.2L Turbo Diesel models: With the clutch pedal at rest, the clutch pedal upstop switch is closed, allowing speed control operation. When the clutch pedal is depressed, the upstop switch opens and signals the PCM to cancel speed control operation, and enter a modified engine calibration schedule to improve driveability during gear-to-gear shifts. The upstop switch is not adjustable.