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Timing Chain & Sprockets Replacement

Fig. 13 Valve timing. All six cylinder engines:

6-225 (3.7L)

1. After removing timing chain cover as outlined above, remove camshaft sprocket lock bolt, then remove timing chain and sprocket.
2. Clean all parts and inspect chain for broken or damaged links. Inspect sprockets for cracks and chipped, worn or damaged teeth.
3. Turn crankshaft so sprocket timing mark is toward and directly in line with center line of camshaft.
4. Temporarily install camshaft sprocket. Rotate camshaft to position sprocket timing mark toward and directly in line with centerline of crankshaft: then remove camshaft sprocket.
5. Place chain on crankshaft sprocket and position camshaft sprocket in chain so sprocket can be installed with timing marks aligned and without moving camshaft, Fig. 13.
6. Install remaining components in reverse order of removal.