Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Before assembling carburetor, parts should be soaked in suitable carburetor cleaning solvent, except for choke diaphragm, choke heater and some plastic parts. Do not place these parts in any liquid. Clean external surfaces of these parts with clean cloth or soft brush. Shake dirt or other foreign matter from plunger side of diaphragm. If water is used as a rinse, all traces of water must be blown from passages with compressed air.
2. Check throttle shaft for excessive wear in body. If wear is extreme, replace carburetor.
3. Install idle mixture screw and spring in body, ensuring that the tapered portion is straight and smooth. Do not forget to install plastic caps or concealment plugs after making adjustments when carburetor is installed.
4. Using new gasket, install throttle body on main body, torquing attaching screws to 30 inch lbs.
5. Test accelerator pump discharge check ball and seat as follows:
a. Coat pump piston with oil or fill fuel bowl with clean fuel.
b. Install accelerating pump discharge check ball and weight.
c. Hold discharge check ball and weight down with a small brass rod and operate pump plunger manually.
d. If check ball and seat are leaking, no resistance will be felt when operating lever.
e. If valve is leaking, remove weight and stake ball using a suitable drift punch, being careful not to damage bore containing pump weight.
f. After staking old ball, remove it and install new ball.
g. Install weight and check for leaks.
h. If there are no leaks, remove check ball and weight from main body and install accelerator pump, pump operating rod, and rod retainer in bowl cover.
6. Install power valve assembly in bottom of fuel bowl and tighten securely, ensuring that needle valve operates smoothly.
7. Using tool C-3748 or equivalent, install main metering jet.
8. Install float shaft and position assembly in float shaft cradle, then insert retaining spring and adjust float as described under "In-Vehicle Adjustments". A nitrophyl float can be checked for fuel absorption by lightly squeezing between fingers. If wetness appears on surface or float feels heavy, replace float assembly.
9. Place new gasket on fuel inlet fitting and install assembly into main body, tightening securely. When replacing needle and seat assembly of inlet fitting, the float level must be checked.
10. Insert check ball and weight into accelerator pump discharge well.
11. Install bowl cover gasket on air horn.
12. Carefully position bowl cover on fuel bowl, ensuring that leading edges of accelerator pump cup are not damaged as it enters pump bore. Be careful not to damage main well tube.
13. Install bowl cover screws and tighten alternately, a little at a time, to compress gasket evenly.
14. Install fast idle cam and link.
15. Install choke vacuum diaphragm.
16. Install solenoid idle stop.
17. Install bowl vent assembly.