Air Injection Filter: Service and Repair
Fig. 9 Removing centrifugal filter fan from injection pump:
To remove a damaged filter fan, insert needle nose pliers between the plastic filter fins and break the fan away from the hub, Fig. 9. Use caution to prevent fragments from entering the air intake hole. Do not insert screwdriver blade between pump and filter and do not attempt to remove the metal drive hub.
To install the new filter fan, draw it into position using the pulley and bolts as tools. Tighten the bolts alternately to draw the fan down evenly, making sure that the outer edge of the fan slips into the housing. Some interference with the housing bore is normal.
NOTE: A new fan may make a "squealing" noise during initial operation. When the O.D. sealing lip has worn in (approximately 20-30 miles of operation), the noise should subside.