Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Install Rack-Piston Worm & Valve

Fig. 19 Loading rack-piston nut:

1. Lubricate and install new ring back-up seal and Teflon piston ring on rack-piston nut, being careful ring and seal do not twist during installation.
2. Insert worm into rack-piston nut to bearing shoulder.
3. Align ball return guide holes with worm groove. Load balls into guide hole nearest the teflon piston ring while slowly rotating worm to left, feeding balls through circuit. If balls are installed properly, the worm should turn out of the rack-piston nut.
4. Fill one-half of ball return guide with remaining balls. Place other guide over balls and plug each end with heavy grease to prevent balls from falling out when installing guides into rack-piston nut.
5. Insert guides into guide holes of rack-piston nut. Make sure black ball in guide is installed next to white ball in rack piston. Guides should fit loosely.