Flushing Compressor & System Reassembly
Flushing Compressor1. Remove compressor from vehicle following the appropriate service manual procedures.
2. Drain any oil remaining in compressor.
3. Install flushing adapter, Special Tool # 6005, previously used for condenser flushing, to the compressor suction flange using the suction line attaching bolts.
4. Attach one can of flushing compound, PN 4318008, using appropriate can tapper or refrigerant manifold and charging hose, to the flushing adapter.
5. Place the compressor with the discharge port in a suitable container to collect the flushing compound.
6. Turn and hold can of flushing compound upside down and discharge one can through the compressor, occasionally rotating the compressor shaft to insure a good flush throughout the compressor.
7. Blow out remaining flushing compound from compressor, using R-12 or similar "dry" air sources. Be sure to occasionally rotate compressor shaft to insure all remaining flushing compound is removed from compressor.
8. Remove adapter from compressor.
9. Add fresh compressor oil, PN 4318057, to compressor. Use 7.5 ounces for single A/C unit or 9.5 ounces for dual A/C unit.
10. Reinstall compressor following the appropriate service manual procedures.
System Reassembly
1. With compressor reinstalled on engine, reinstall the suction and discharge lines to the compressor using new compressor-to-plumbing gaskets, PN 3847081 (two required). Tighten bolts to 170 to 220 inch pounds.
2. Raise the vehicle on a hoist.
3. Install new rear A/C liquid line, PN 4361299, to expansion valve, being sure to use new O-ring, PN 5210380.
4. Install new rear A/C suction line, PN 4361298, to rear evaporator, using new O-ring, PN 2512172, on 1984 through 1986 models or PN 4361097 on 1987 models.
5. Carefully route the liquid and suction lines along the floor pan, following the original line route, and reinstall fasteners to hold lines in place.
6. Reinstall bottom cover on rear A/C unit and lower vehicle.
7. Install new rear A/C liquid line to front A/C liquid line, using new O-ring, PN 5210380.
8. Install new rear A/C suction line to front A/C suction line, using new O-ring, PN 2219385.
9. Install new "H" valve, PN 4176999, using new "H" valve-to-evaporator gasket, PN 3846836, and new "H" valve-to-suction line gasket, PN 3846834. Tighten attaching bolt to 170 to 230 inch pounds.
10. Transfer low pressure cut-out switch from old "H" valve to new "H" valve and tighten to 70 to 130 inch pounds.
11. Install new filter drier, PN 3847829, using new gaskets, PN 3847083, and tighten retaining nuts to 17O to 230 inch pounds.
12. Evacuate the system for a minimum of 30 minutes following the procedure outlined in the appropriate service manual.
13. Charge the system following the appropriate service manual procedures.
Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty
Labor Operation No. 24-45-25-90 . . . 5.5 Hrs.
41 - Foreign Material