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Holley Model 6280 2 Barrel Carburetor

Fig. 1 Holley model 6280 carburetor assembly. Except 1987 Dakota:

Fig. 2 Holley model 6280 carburetor assembly. 1987 Dakota:

The Holley model 6280 carburetor, Figs. 1 and 2, utilizes four or five basic metering systems. The idle system provides a mixture for idle and low speed conditions. The accelerator pump system provides additional fuel during acceleration. The main metering system provides an economical mixture for normal cruising conditions. The power enrichment system, which combines a mechanical and vacuum operated power valve, or uses a modulated vacuum operated power valve, provides a richer mixture when a higher power output is required. Some models use an O2 feedback solenoid that is responsive to the oxygen sensor.
In addition to the four or five basic systems, there is a fuel inlet system that constantly supplies fuel to the basic metering systems and a choke system which temporarily enriches the mixture to aid in starting and operating a cold engine.