For additional information see Notes, Warnings, and Hints.Fig 3 Support Plate And Guide Pads:
NOTE: Pivot screw and adjusting nut have left hand threads on left brake assemblies (brakes on left side of the vehicle) and right hand threads on right hand assemblies (brakes on right side of the vehicle).
1. Lubricate and assemble star wheel assembly. Lubricate guide pads on support plates with MOPAR Multi-Purpose Lubricant Part Number 4318063, or equivalent.
Fig 8 Removing Or Installing Shoe Assembly (Rear):
2. Assemble star wheel, lower shoe-to-shoe spring and primary and secondary shoe and position of support plate.
3. Connect parking brake cable to parking brake lever.
Fig 7 Removing Or Installing Shoe Hold-down Springs (Rear):
4. Install and hook hold-down springs.
Fig 6 Removing Or Installing Shoe To Shoe Spring (Rear):
5. Using brake spring pliers replace upper shoe-to-shoe spring.
5. Position adjuster lever return spring on pivot (blue springs on left brakes and white springs on right).
6. Install adjuster lever. Route adjuster cable and connector to adjuster.