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Ignition Switch: Service and Repair

The ignition switch is mounted in the rear of the steering column lock. When the key is turned to LOCK position and pulled out, the lock pin automatically ejects from the cylinder and enters a groove in the steering shaft, locking the steering wheel.
The heads of the bolts securing the steering lock assembly shear off when the bolts are tightened. Replacement of the steering lock assembly may require that the steering column be removed, as these bolts must be cut or slotted to permit removal with a screwdriver. When the lock assembly is installed, new shear bolts must be used and the bolts should be tightened until the bolt heads twist off.
However, the ignition switch can be serviced separately from the lock assembly using the following procedures.
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then remove upper and lower column covers.
2. Remove bands securing switch harness and disconnect electrical connector.

Fig. 4 Ignition switch removal:

3. Loosen the bolt holding the switch and pull from lock assembly.
4. Reverse procedure to install, first inserting key to check for proper operation.