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Conventional Differential (Gear Assembly)

1. Remove lock plate, then remove side bearing nut using tool No. MB990201 or equivalent.

Fig. 1 Exploded view of rear drive axle:

Fig. 2 Exploded view of front drive axle:

Fig. 3 Removing differential gear case:

2. Remove the bearing cap (carrier cap), using the wooden handle of a hammer so the gears and other parts will not be damaged. Remove the gear case assembly.

Fig. 4 Removing side bearings:

3. Using puller C-293-PA, C-4570 and MB990723 or equivalents, pull differential side bearing. Right and left bearings and shims should be marked for assembly reference.
4. Pry up the ring gear retaining bolt locking washers and loosen the bolts in a diagonal sequence, then remove ring gear.
5. Using a long punch, drive out the pinion shaft knock pin from the ring gear, then pull out the pinion shaft, the pinion and the side gears with the spacers. The removed side gears and spacers, right and left, should be kept separate for assembly reference.