Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Parts Information

PartManufacturerOEM Part #PriceNotes
Valve Body & Plate
Trans Part Number Shown
A727, A904, A999
Stamp Number
4058398CHY4549957500.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
4295887, 4329436CHY4504590500.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
CHY4549966345.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
4431503, 573CHY4549957500.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
4431501, 572CHY4504590500.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
4348703CHY4549957500.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
4412001, 002CHY4504590500.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.