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Compressor Disassembly

Fig. 2 Removing felt retainer:

1. Remove compressor clutch assembly and key from compressor crankshaft.
2. Remove 6 compressor through bolts with 6 mm. Allen wrench.
3. Remove front cover by tapping on outside of cover with plastic hammer.
4. Remove Out-ring seal from front cover and discard.
5. Remove felt and retainer from front cover.

Fig. 3 Removing gas seal plate:

6. Press out gas seal plate using a brass drift.

Fig. 4 Disassembling compressor front end:

7. Remove shaft seal from crankshaft, then remove dowel pins, valve plate, suction reed valve and steel N-gasket. Discard steel N-gasket.
8. Remove rear cover by tapping outside of cover with plastic hammer.
9. Remove Out-ring from rear cover and discard.

Fig. 5 Disassembling compressor rear end:

10. Remove dowel pins, valve plate, suction reed valve, and steel N-gasket. Discard steel N-gasket. Normal disassembly is completed at this point. If leakage is evident at center Out-ring seal, continue disassembly as follows:
a. Separate front and rear compressor halves by tapping body lugs with plastic hammer. Do not separate compressor halves more than 1 inch.
b. Remove Out-ring and inspect for nicks or cuts. If damaged, cut to remove and discard.
c. Inspect Out-ring sealing surface. If scratches or porosity are found, compressor should be replaced.