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Radiator: Service and Repair

1. Disconnect battery negative cable.

WARNING: DO not remove cylinder block drain plugs or loosen radiator draincock with system hot and under pressure. serious burns from coolant can occur.

2. Drain cooling system.

3. Remove fan shroud retaining hardware.
4. Position fan shroud towards engine. Fan shroud does not have to be removed from vehicle.
5. Disconnect transmission cooler lines (if equipped) at radiator. Use quick connect fitting release tool #6935.

WARNING: constant tension hose clamps are used on most cooling system hoses. when removing or installing, use only tools designed for servicing this type of clamp, such as special clamp tool (number 6094). snap-on clamp tool (number HPC-20) may be used for larger clamps. always wear safety glasses when using constant tension clamps.

CAUTION: A number or letter is stamped into the tongue of constant tension clamps. If replacement is necessary, use only an original equipment clamp with matching number or letter.

6. Remove upper and lower radiator hose clamps and hoses at radiator.

7. Remove two upper radiator-to-radiator support bolts. The radiator has two alignment pins to align lower part of radiator to lower radiator support.
8. Lift radiator up and out of engine compartment. Do not allow cooling fins of radiator to contact any other vehicle component. Radiator fin damage could result.

9. Remove transmission auxiliary cooler (if equipped)

The radiator has two alignment pins on bottom of the side tanks. These fit into alignment holes in radiator lower support.
1. If radiator is being replaced, transfer any components not included with replacement radiator.

2. Install transmission auxiliary cooler (if equipped) and tighten fasteners to 10 Nm (90 inch lbs.)
3. Lower radiator into engine compartment. Position alignment pins into alignment holes in radiator lower support.
4. Install two upper radiator bolts and tighten to 23 Nm (200 inch lbs.).
5. Install transmission cooler lines (if equipped). Push connector together until an audible "click" is heard. Moderately pull connector apart to verify connection.
6. Install both radiator hoses and hose clamps.
7. Install fan shroud to radiator.
8. Connect battery negative cable.
9. Fill cooling system.
10. Start and warm the engine. Check for leaks.
11. Check and adjust transmission fluid level.