Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Service Procedure

Reprogramming of the ABS Control Module can be performed using the StarSCAN scan tool or the StarMOBILE scan tool.

A. Reprogram the ABS Control Module Using StarSCAN

The StarSCAN tool must be at version 7.03 or higher before this
procedure can be performed. The software release level is visible in the blue header at the top of the StarSCAN screen.

1. Open the hood and install a battery charger. Verify that the charging rate provides approximately 13.5 volts.

2. Use the following procedure to determine the ABS Control Module software part number:

a. Connect the StarSCAN to the vehicle data link connector located under the steering column and turn the ignition key to the "RUN" position.

b. Power ON the StarSCAN.

c. From the StarSCAN Home Screen, select "ECU View".

d. From the StarSCAN ECU View Screen, select "ABS" from the list of modules.

e. Select "More Options" and then select "ECU Flash".

f. Record the part number displayed at the top of the "Flash ABS" screen for later reference.

3. Connect the CH9410 ethernet cable to the StarSCAN and the dealer's network drop.

4. Select "Browse for New File" and follow the on screen instructions.

5. Highlight the calibration and then select "Download to Scantool".

6. Select "Close" after the download is complete, disconnect the ethernet cable from the scan tool and then select "Back".

7. Highlight the listed calibration.

8. Select "Update Controller" and follow the screen instructions.

9. When the ABS control module update is complete, select "OK".

10. Verify the part number (resident flash file) at the top of the screen has updated to the new part number.

11. After completing the ABS control module reprogramming, clear all Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC's) using the following procedure:

a. Return to the "Main Menu" (Home Page).

b. Select "System View".

c. Select "All DTC's".

d. Select "Clear All Stored DTC's" and follow the screen prompts.

12. Disconnect and remove the StarSCAN and battery charger from the vehicle.

B. Reprogram the ABS Control Module Using StarMOBILE

The StarMOBILE scan tool must be at version 7.03 or higher before this procedure can be performed.

1. Open the hood and install a battery charger. Verify that the charging rate provides approximately 13.5 volts.

2. Connect the StarMOBILE scan tool to the vehicle data link connector located under the steering column and turn the ignition key to the "RUN" position.

3. Power ON the StarMOBILE scan tool.

4. Connect the CH9410 ethernet cable to the StarMOBILE and the dealer's network drop.

5. From the desktop, launch the "StarMOBILE Desktop Client" software.

6. From the main menu on the StarMOBILE, select "System Status".

7. Establish a connection with the StarMOBILE scan tool.

8. Select "Flash Download".

9. Select "Next" and then enter your ID and password.

10. Enter the vehicle information (manually or use the automatic function).

11. Highlight the required flash file and select "Download to Client".

12. Select "BACK" then select "ECU View".

13. Select "ABS Antilock Brakes".

14. Select "More Options".

15. Select "ECU Flash".

16. Select "Manage Files".

17. Highlight downloaded flash file.

18. Select "Copy to SM Devise" and then follow the screen prompts.

19. Disconnect the ethernet cable from the StarMOBILE scan tool.

20. Turn off the StarMOBILE scan tool and then restart the scan tool.

The StarMOBILE scan tool must be shut down and restarted to unlock the flash.

21. From the "System Status" screen press the "Exit" button.

22. From the "Main Menu" select "Enter Standalone Diagnostic Mode".

23. Select "ECU View" and press the select button.

24. Highlight "ABS" and press the select button.

25. Select "Flash ECU" and press the select button.

26. Verify the file number on the screen. If correct, press the select button and follow the screen prompts.

27. When the flash is complete, press the "OK" button.

28. Clear all Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC's) using the following procedure:

a. Return to the "Main Menu" (Home Page).

b. From the "Home" screen, select "System View" and then select "All DTC's".

c. Select the "Clear All Stored DTC's" and follow screen prompts.

29. Disconnect the StarMOBILE scan tool and battery charger from the vehicle.