Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



CAUTION: Disconnect negative cable from battery before removing battery output wire from generator. Failure to do so can result in injury.

1. Disconnect and isolate negative battery cable at battery.

CAUTION: Never force a belt over a pulley rim using a screwdriver. The synthetic fiber of the belt can be damaged.

CAUTION: When installing a serpentine accessory drive belt, the belt MUST be routed correctly. The water pump will be rotating in the wrong direction if the belt is installed incorrectly, causing the engine to overheat. Refer to belt routing label in engine compartment, or refer to Belt Schematics in Cooling System.

2. Remove generator drive belt.

3. Unsnap plastic protective cover from B+ mounting stud.

4. Remove B+ terminal mounting nut at top of generator.

5. Disconnect field wire electrical connector at rear of generator by pushing on connector tab.

6. Remove generator mounting bolts (2) and (3).

7. Remove generator (1) from vehicle.