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Constant Control Type Gears

Fig. 3 Power train removal:

1. With steering gear housing fastened in holding fixture, lubricate power train housing bore with fluid and install power train assembly. Face piston teeth to the right and valve lever hole in center race and spacer in "Up" position. Ensure cylinder head is bottomed against housing shoulder.
2. With valve lever hole in center bearing race and spacer aligned with valve level hole in gear housing, install valve lever (double bearing end first) into center bearing race and spacer, ensuring valve lever slots are parallel to worm shaft. It may be necessary to gently tap end of valve lever to seat lower pivot point in center race.
3. Install housing head tang washer, indexing with groove in housing, and steering column support nut, and torque nut to 150 - 200 ft lb. Ensure valve lever remains centered in housing hole by rotating worm shaft until piston bottoms in both directions and observe valve lever action. The valve lever must be in center of hole and return to the center position when worm shaft torque is relieved.
4. Install valve lever spring (small end first), position power piston at center of travel and install sector shaft and cover assembly, indexing sector teeth with piston rack teeth. Ensure sector shaft cover O-ring is installed properly.
5. Install and torque cover nut to 110 - 200 ft lb.
6. Install valve body onto housing with valve lever entering hole in valve spool. Ensure O-rings are installed properly, then install and torque valve retaining screws to 7 ft lb.