RV-2 Compressor
Fig. 1 Dipstick fabrication & oil filler plug location. RV-2 compressor:
1. Connect gauge manifold and discharge system as outlined.
2. When system is nearly discharged, flush compressor dipstick with remaining refrigerant to ensure that dipstick is clean and at approximately the same temperature as oil in compressor sump.
3. Slowly loosen, then remove oil filler plug. A suitable face shield should be worn when removing oil filler plug, as refrigerant dissolved in compressor oil may force oil out through plug opening.
4. Allow refrigerant vapors to clear and oil surface to stabilize, then measure oil level with dipstick.
5. Add oil to compressor, as needed, to bring level to within specifications listed in "A/C Data Table." If other system components are replaced, refer to "Oil Charge."
6. Install filler plug, then evacuate and recharge system.