Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Vehicle, Parts, and Owner Information

Vehicle List

Each dealer to whom involved cars were invoiced (or the current dealer at the same location) will receive a listing of them with this letter, arranged in Vehicle
Identification Number (VIN) sequence. Owners known to Chrysler are also listed. The lists are for dealer reference in arranging for service of involved cars.

Each Dodge or Chrysler-Plymouth dealer without a Vehicle List will receive an information copy of this letter for use in performing the service on involved cars upon request.


Parts packages, PN C3940317, are being shipped free of charge to involved dealers in each geographic region at the time of recall launch in that area. Each area dealer to whom involved cars were invoiced (or the current dealer at the same location) will receive enough parts packages to service 75% of those cars.

Each recall parts package contains the following components, to service one car:

Quantity Description

(1) Regulator mounting bracket
(1) Hose and sleeve assembly
(1) Vacuum line and sleeve assembly
(2) Clamps, regulator to fuel rail hose
(1) Clamp, return hose to regulator

Additional parts may be ordered without charge from Parts Depots only after initial recall launch has been completed in all geographic areas: A quantity limit per order will be applied. Order only as needed for scheduled repairs.

Owner Notification and Service Scheduling

All involved car owners known to Chrysler will be notified of the service requirement by first class mail at the time of recall implementation in their geographical areas. Owners in the Northern region will be the first notified, starting in about one week. They will be requested to schedule appointments for the service with their dealers at the earliest possible date. A copy of the owner notification letter is attached for your information.

Enclosed with each owner notification will be an Owner Recall Notification Form # 83-295-0019. The involved vehicle and recall are identified on the form for owner or dealer reference as needed.