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Water Pump: Service and Repair

Fig. 75 Water Pump Assembly (Part 1 Of 2).:

Fig. 75 Water Pump Assembly (Part 2 Of 2).:


Remove water pump in numbered sequence, Fig. 75, noting the following:
1. Remove lower engine compartment cover.
2. Drain engine coolant as follows:
a. Place instrument panel temperature control lever in Hot position.
b. Carefully remove radiator cap.
c. Remove radiator drain plug.
3. To remove engine mount bracket, slightly raise and support engine, removing weight of engine from mount.
4. Before removing water pump drive belt, loosen water pump pulley installation bolt.
5. Remove rocker cover, timing belt covers, timing belt and timing belt B as outlined under "Timing Belt, Replace."

Fig. 76 Water pump Attaching Bolts.:


Reverse removal procedure to install, noting the following:
1. Coat the O-ring (26) with water to ease installation.
2. Refer to bolt length chart, Fig. 76, when installing water pump attaching bolts.