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Base Brake System Bleeding

On models with power brakes, bleed the hydraulic system without the engine running. Reduce vacuum in the power unit to zero by pumping the brake pedal several times with the engine Off.

1. Ensure master cylinder reservoir is full.
2. Raise and support vehicle.
3. Position a drain pan under the wheel being bled.
4. Have an assistant depress the brake pedal with a slow even strokes until pressure is felt, then hold it.

CAUTION: Do not depress brake pedal fully to the end of the master cylinder stroke. This may cause damage to the master cylinder.

5. Starting at the bleeder screw farthest from the master cylinder, using a suitable wrench, open the bleeder valve one full turn. Watch for air bubbles in the fluid, and listen for air escaping from the system.
6. With the brake pedal still depressed, close the bleeder valve.
7. Have the assistant pump the brake pedal several times, then repeat procedure until air no longer is noticed when bleeder is opened.

CAUTION: Do not depress brake pedal fully to the end of the master cylinder stroke, this may cause damage to the master cylinder.

8. Repeat previous steps for all bleeders following the wheel bleeding sequence specified in Hydraulic Brake System/Specifications. Ensure all air is removed from the hydraulic system.

CAUTION: While bleeding the system, inspect brake fluid supply in the master cylinder often so as not to allow the master cylinder to run dry.

9. Upon completion of hydraulic system bleeding proceed as follows:
a. Ensure the master cylinder reservoir is full. Add suitable brake fluid as needed, and securely reinstall the master cylinder cap.
b. Lower the vehicle. Ensure brakes operate properly and pedal is firm.