Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Front Door

1. After setting the rod to the LOCK position, apply the battery voltage to terminal 1 and check if the rod moves to the UNLOCK position when terminal 3 is grounded.
2. After setting the rod to the UNLOCK position and applying battery voltage to terminal 3, check if the rod moves to the LOCK position when terminal I is grounded.
3. When the actuator rod is set to the UNLOCK position, check if there is continuity between terminal 2 and terminal 4, and when the rod is set to the LOCK position, check if there is no continuity.

1. After setting the rod to the LOCK position and applying battery voltage to terminal 3, check if the rod moves to the UNLOCK position when terminal 1 is grounded.
2. After setting the rod to the UNLOCK position and applying battery voltage to terminal 1, check if the rod moves to the LOCK position when terminal 3 is grounded.
3. When the actuator rod is set to the UNLOCK position, check if there is continuity between terminal 2 and terminal 4, and when the rod is set to the LOCK position, check if there is no continuity.